Identify your Skills, Golden competences, For these peculiar insights, Innately forged from knowledge, Accompanied by understanding, Can blossom into a plantation, Of architectural achievements, And innovations with each season. Nurture your Skills, Exceptional qualities, For these peculiar insights, Innately mixed with abilities, Are the building blocks,  Of a new and vast empire, Able to impact…


Her Eyes, Reminds him, Of Stars, Emerging, Majestically, In sparkling robe, From the dark Sky, For this angel of sight, Transmits resplendence, Energy and Hope, Into his aching Soul, To overcome, The echoes of despair. Her Eyes, Are his beacon, Quietly, Illuminating, The world, Around him, With invisible  Shards of light, So he can, Gallantly,…


Any Mind, Can become, STRONGER,  THAN A ROCK. It Requires, Complete, Mastery, Over, Crippling, Emotions, Like Fear, As well as, Developing, Unshakeable, Assurance, Of Success, Despite, Hard Circumstances. Included, In this Mix, Is the Confidence, To Achieve, The Impossible, Encased in, A Tough Core, To Repel, Adversaries. Birthing, Renewed Energy, Upholding, The Freedom, To Choose,…


JOURNEY. Through life, With your best shoes, Usually the reject, of  a fashion parade, But endures as  covering for the feet, Made for rough terrains, tough adventures , Providing stability, when you climb high mountains, Or shuffle down a slimy slope, where others have struggled, Whatever the choice is, leather or rubber, beautify the footwear,…