This short poem urges You to allow the River of Joy wash away heartache and bring prosperity. Embrace the mission of blissful emotion to replace loss and find purpose. The season has changed, bringing fulfillment.


The heart, Constantly yearns, For the pleasure, And contentment, Happiness releases, When it emerges, From triggers of excitement, Besides imageries of beauty or melodies, Particularly after a loss or disappointment. Regardless, Of our fiery desires, Easily influenceable, By uncertainty, We must understand, The nature of our ally, Also known as Joy. Happiness, Is untameable, It…


Betrayal, Tends to unleash, An unending, Cycle, of emotions, First comes, confusion, Followed, by distress, At the loss, of a relationship, Then sadness, mixed with anger, For the deception, and devastation, Hate might show up, if the pain lingers, Despite this, a NEW LIFE,  can be created, From fragments, of good memories, hidden in the…


HAPPINESS, The Unique, Merriment of the Soul, Born from the Depths, Of Appreciation, Is like Strong Feet,  Capable of providing Strength, To Leap over Walls, faster than the Quarter Horse, Adding Boldness, and Audacity, to ride upon, and tame, the Hardest Terrains.