Alex: (sighing, with a frown) “Oh, Cassie! I’m so disappointed that we had to cancel our reservation at Le Petit Bistro. It has the most delicious French cuisine. Ask Donald and Jackie! I was looking forward to our lunch plans.”

Cassie: (with a sympathetic look) “I know, Alex. I was excited as well. Their menu looked incredible, and the pictures you showed me were charming. But with this heavy downpour, it’s just not worth it. We’d be drenched and hungry by the time we get there.”

Alex: (nodding slowly, looking out the window at the rain)“Yeah, it is quite annoying. However, let us try to make our lunch special here at the hotel. The restaurant has great options, and we would not have to deal with the rain.”

Cassie: (smiling encouragingly) “Yes, we can try. Although I was looking forward to lunch at the Bistro, as Donald had described it as mouth-watering, I am willing to try out the lunch menu in the hotel, which seems fantastic. Furthermore, we can enjoy them all in the warmth and comfort of our room.”

Alex: (his face brightening) “I am thinking of ordering their chicken pot pie. It is not French, but perfect for warming up on a day like this. What about you?”

Cassie: (grinning) “I prefer grilled cheese and tomato soup. It’s a classic comfort food combo and just what I need now. Plus, we can still make the atmosphere nice and cosy.”

Alex: (moving about excitedly) “Definitely. We can set up a little picnic area just by the window and watch the rain fall, while seated on these plush chairs. The decor of this room is both luxurious and vibrant. It is not the same as Le Petit Bistro, but it will be interesting.”

Cassie: (eyes lighting up) “That is a good idea. Could we also watch a movie afterwards? It’ll be like having a private lunch experience. Sometimes, making the best of a situation turns out even better than the original plan.”

Alex: (nodding eagerly) “I will place the order now. It should not take too long for the food to arrive. We can even splurge on some dessert.”

Cassie: (relaxing back in her chair) “Sounds perfect. I’m glad we decided to stay in. No need to deal with wet clothes and umbrellas.”

Alex: (smiling warmly) “Agreed. Plus, it is the company that makes it special. We always have the best time together, no matter where we are.”

Cassie: (laughing lightly) “Do you remember when we both got drenched at an outdoor concert during our last year in university? We ended up having so much fun despite the weather. It’s moments like those that make our friendship amazing.”

Alex: (gesticulating excitedly) “It was a thrilling adventure! Today might turn out to be another unique experience. Rain or shine, we always find a way to make the best of it.”

Cassie: (with a thoughtful look) “Absolutely. Do you also remember why we booked this hotel in the first place? We wanted a cosy getaway from our busy lives. Looks like we’re getting just that, even if it’s not exactly as planned.”

Alex: (sighing, with a sad look all over his face) “You’re right and honestly, Cassie, I was looking forward to a special lunch out. It feels like every time we plan something, it gets derailed.”

Cassie: (patting Alex’s hand reassuringly) “I get it, Alex, but we can’t control the weather. Plus, we’re still making the best of it here.”

Alex: (looking down, then nodding slowly) “I know, but it is frustrating. I wanted something different today, not just another room service meal.”

Cassie: (shrugging) “So did I, Alex. Complaining about the situation isn’t going to change anything. We’re here now, so let’s make the most of it.”

Alex: (smiling weakly) “I’m trying, but it is hard to shake off the dissatisfaction.”

Cassie: (frowning) “Look, I understand you’re upset, so am I. But being together is what makes it special, not the location.”

Alex: (with a broader smile) “You are right, Cassie. I am just letting the frustration get to me. I do not want to ruin our day by dwelling on what we missed.”

Cassie: (grinning mischievously) “So just focus on what we can do to make this lunch unforgettable. Maybe we can have a little photo collage of our rainy day adventure and write a silly song about it.”

Alex: (eyes twinkling) “That sounds like a fun idea. It will be a great way to enjoy our time together despite the rain and change of plans.”

Cassie: (with a happy gaze) “I’m glad we are both willing to turn this around and have a great time, no matter what.”

Alex: (reaching out to squeeze Cassie’s hand) “I agree, Cassie. Thanks for always knowing how to make things better.”

3 Comments Add yours

  1. It’s indeed the company that matters most. Lovely read!


    1. Thanks, Johnbritto. Life does have beautiful aspects to it.

      Liked by 1 person

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